Plans and Pricing

Supplyve offers flexible monthly packages across our solutions. Reach out to our team to get a more precise quote based on your business type and needs.

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Everything you need to track recipe costs using Square POS.
Do better than Excel
Invoice scanning
Recipe Creation
Live Square POS sync
Supplier cost change tracking
COGS analytics
Variants, Modifiers, and Sub Recipes
Supplier Management
Invoice line-Item tracking
Invoice approval workflows
Cloud Document Storage for AP
Save 80% on labor: update your POS in a few clicks.
Save labor, save money
Invoice scanning
Supplier cost change tracking
Export to csv for POS
IMS updating
Total cost of line items vs amount owed comparison
Invoice Line-Item tracking
Invoice approval workflows
Cloud Document Storage for AP
Keep a digital record of your invoices in one place.
or $X yearly
AP in one place
Invoice Scanning
Cloud Document Storage for AP
Invoice approval workflows


Find answers to frequently asked questions about our restaurant management system.

Is there a fee to connect to Square?

Nope! You have enough costs to worry about. When you begin the onboarding process, you'll be prompted through the process of connecting all your Square items to our dashboard, free of charge.

Will I be charged extra for each invoice?

Nope - our pricing is all inclusive, and ensures you can scan as many invoices as you want within your monthly plan. In some cases, more uploaded invoices mean you actually get a discount on each invoice!

Is there a set up or cancellation fee?

Nope! For now, our base package is all inclusive - everything from connecting to square, to scanning invoices - and doesn't require any kind of set up fee.

Cancellation is free at any time.

Do you connect to Quickbooks for all plans?

Yes, we offer connection to quickbooks as a paid ($20 a month) add-on feature.

What kind of support is available?

We offer comprehensive customer support, and a personal representative contact, to assist you with any questions or issues you may have! We usually respond within just a few minutes. Email us at for any other inquiries.

What customers say

Don't just take our word for it. It's way faster than what you're doing now, we promise.

4.8/5 (264)

Within a few days, it's already 80% faster than what we used to do.

market maven's logo

Eli S.

Market Maven

I used to pay someone to type into my LightSpeed terminal all of the inventory I received. Plus my employee would have to cross reference supplier invoices to see if our costs changed and I am sure we were missing some cost changes. Now my inventory and  pricing is on autopilot I'm saving money."

midwest kosher deli's logo

A. Kramer

Midwest Deli

Tracking supplier price changes through Supplyve has saved thousands of dollars and tons of time! Plus, their team is fun and easy to work with.

a customer headshot

Joey Fuss

Western Kosher

I can't express how much Supplyve has simplified my work. Not only is the ordering process seamless and user-friendly, but what really stands out for me is how easy it is to enter information now. Supplyve has truly transformed the way I manage my orders and invoices. Highly recommended!

gourmet glatt's logo

Moshe Rabin

Gourmet Glatt

Paperwork a pain? Let's talk!

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