Conversion Calculator

Convert between weights and/or volumes for common ingredients.

Conversion Calculator



A simple calculator to convert between different volumes or weights. We also make it easy to convert between volume and weight for specific ingredients (e.g. 1 gram of water in cups is different than 1 gram of honey in cups).


It is difficult to find an ingredient conversion calculator that is genuinely helpful. Our tool makes it simple to use for repeated and different conversions. It is also easy to come back to.

How do I use it?

The top row is the base number and units that you're calculating from. The bottom row is the result, in terms of the units you'd like to calculate to.

Play around with the unit values by clicking the unit dropdowns next to each number.

Quickly flip the units by tapping the blue arrows.

Why do I need to convert values using ingredients?

When converting between like values (weight to weight or volume to volume), ingredients aren't necessary. But cross conversions (weight to volume) require you to choose an ingredient, since a density is required (the default ingredient is water).


Density data is sourced largely from the USDA National Nutrient Database. If there are inaccuracies, please contact us at

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