Square POS 101: Variants vs. Modifiers

December 29, 2023
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Key Takeaways

Square offers some confusing options- "variants" and "modifiers"? Let's dive in to when you should, and shouldn't, be using each option.

Why Should You Care?

Picture this: Customers in your area are craving a juicy burger. They want it medium-rare, no onions, extra cheese, and with a gluten-free bun. Now, how do you input that into your system without breaking a sweat (or breaking the system)?

Enter the world of variants and modifiers. Understanding the difference can make your life easier, keep your customers happier, and might just save you a few bucks. So, let's dive in.

Variants: The Basic Choices

Think of variants as the different "versions" of a dish or product you offer. Let's say you're selling pizza. Variants could be the sizes: small, medium, large. Or types: Margherita, Pepperoni, Veggie Deluxe.

Some examples:

  • A steak: Rare, Medium-Rare, Medium, Well-Done.
  • A drink: Small, Medium, Large.

When to Use Variants:

  • When you have fixed options for a product.
  • When each option has a different price.

Modifiers: The Personal Touch

Modifiers are those little extras or tweaks that customize an order. Think of them as the cherry on top or, in some cases, the "hold the onions" request.

Some examples:

  • A burger: "Add bacon, Extra cheese, No pickles."
  • A coffee: "Extra shot, Almond milk, No foam."

When to Use Modifiers:

  • When you're offering add-ons or customizations.
  • When you want to charge extra (or not) for these tweaks.

Why Does It Matter?

  1. Efficiency: Ever had a server scribble down a complicated order only to get it wrong? With clear variants and modifiers, mistakes are less likely.
  2. Happy Customers: Everyone loves having choices and getting their order *just* right. Make it easy for them!
  3. Profit: By organizing and tracking what's popular, you can adjust prices, offer deals, and boost those profit margins.

Practical Tips

- Keep It Simple: Don't overwhelm yourself or your customers. Start with basic variants and modifiers and expand as needed.
- Train Your Team: Ensure everyone knows the difference and how to input orders correctly.
- Review Regularly: See what's selling, what's not, and adjust your menu accordingly.

Alright, restaurant rockstar, now you know how to use variants and modifiers. Time to organize that menu and give your customers an experience they'll keep coming back for. And remember, whether it's a variant or a modifier, it's all about serving up delicious memories! Bon appétit!

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